Monday, September 22, 2014

A 'Lil Red Riding Hood' for 'Lil Bit'

So, after completing a Ladies Jacket and Anglaise Gown for myself I had some yardage left over. 

What to do! 

Make 'lil bit' a outfit!!!! 

So I started searching the MET, Pinterest and one of my Colonial Williamsburg books. 

And I found these pictures...

Embroidered Linen Dress 18th C. Front
Back of Embroidered Linen Dress


Glazed Cotton Dress 18th C. 

 After finagling the remaining pieces of fabric I was able to work out the shape needed. 

What pattern did I use??? 

Why my 'Lil Bit', of course!!! When she woke up this morning after hugs, kisses, and some juice to start her day; she gladly obliged to my request to lay down on mommy's fabric. I simply traced her body out making sure to keep her arms straight out. 

From studying and enlarging the pictures researched, several things became apparent; 1) there were no front princess or waist seams, 2) the sleeves were not separate pieces, 3) there were only side seams, a somewhat pleated side and back at the waist area. 

Unfortunately,  I did not have enough fabric to make all the pleats in the skirt so I simplified my dress. I cut the back a tad too wide and made a box pleat at the top neck and ended it about waist length.

I rolled the neck hem and slip stitched it down.
The front and hem are folded twice and slip stitched as well. I wanted to be able to simply un-hem the front or hem to add extra width/length if she needed it.

On the extant dress and the descriptions provided with them, no obvious closures are discussed. Since I do want to be able to let out the gown I don't want anything to permanent and I didn't want to use pins. (Too dangerous for a toddler). So I will probably be adding some type of threaded loops with ribbon to laced down and close it at center front. 

With the dress 90% done I couldn't leave her with out her outerwear!

So I quickly cut a cape out of some red wool remnants.

Again, fabric was limited so the front panels are a little skinny.

The hood is lined with some white taffeta I found in my scrap bin.

The casing for the ribbon ties is bias tape, which has been stitched to the top inside selvage edge and slip stitched down.

I also used bias tape to hem the bottom. 

Here's a picture of 'lil bit' running away cause she didn't want to try on the cape.....

She's quick!! 

Hopefully, I can find some linen in my stash to make a bonnet and a petticoat or chemise to go with the outfit. 

Then we can take a picture of it all together!!

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